Monday, June 02, 2014

The world's youngest mothers

Puberty, which is the process of a child's body maturing into an adult
one that is capable of sexual reproduction, usually begins in girls
when they're around ten to eleven years of age. The major landmark of
female puberty is menarche, which in simple terms is the onset of
menstruation. This process of puberty is then usually considered
complete by the time girls reach sixteen to seventeen years of age.
However, there are several documented cases of extremely early onsets
of puberty and menarche, known as "precocious puberty".

Precocious puberty may be brought about by a tumor in or an injury to
the brain, among others, but whatever the cause of precocious puberty,
girls who experience it often otherwise end up leading normal lives.
But shockingly, a few of the girls who undergo premature menarche end
up conceiving at unbelievably young ages. Undeniably, what makes such
cases so scandalous is that obviously, these girls engaged in sexual
intercourse for their pregnancies to take place, thus giving rise to
the certainty of child abuse having been committed against the minors.

Here are the ten shocking cases of the youngest birth mothers in
recorded history:

10. Anna "Anya" from Russia .( Age of Motherhood: 8 Years, 7 Months.)
Not much is known about the case of a certain "Anya" from Russia who
gave birth in Rostov-on-Don in April 2000. At the time of the
delivery of her baby, Anya was only eight years and seven months old.
Apparently, a thirteen-year-old neighbor had raped Anya and caused her
to get pregnant after she had undergone menarche at an extremely young

9. Hilda Trujillo ,from Peru .
Age of Motherhood: 8 Years, 7 Months.

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Hilda Trujillo of Peru was from a poor family that lived in a one-room
residence. With her family stayed a 22-year-old cousin, who one day
secretly raped the seven-year-old Hilda. Five months later, Hilda's
mother, a servant, noticed that her daughter's stomach was growing
abnormally. That prompted her to take Hilda to a doctor, who revealed
that Hilda was pregnant. The cousin who raped Hilda was immediately
charged and arrested.
Approximately eight months after the doctor's diagnosis, on December
2, 1957, Hilda, without the aid of any anesthetic, prematurely gave
birth to a 6-lb healthy baby girl named María del Rosario.

Click here for more cases >>

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