Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sex is an invitation card.

Sex is an invitation card to children. Imagine that you are enjoying
life in your house when somebody invites you to an occasion. She
keeps reminding you of the date whenever you meet and even via the
Internet. On the D-day, you go to the venue only to be clubbed to
death by your host! How will you feel?

Even if you were raped, why not give birth and give the child up for
adoption instead of killing the innocent child while the rapists go

It is a woman's duty to close her legs or use protection when
she isn't ready for motherhood or has had enough children. She is the
only one who will risk her life and fertility in an abortion if she
allows herself to be sweet-talked into sex before she is ready.

Before sleeping with a man (even if he is your own husband), ask
yourself: Will I be able to rear this child alone if this man deserts
me or asks me to abort? If your answer is No, zip up or use

Monday, October 13, 2014

Experiment to determine whether a blocked person can still see your posts shared by mutual friends

AIM: To determine whether those you block can see your posts shared
by mutual friends.

*This experiment is to be carried out with a Facebook friend.

STEPS TO FOLLOW:1. Use your Facebook account to block one of your
friend's other Facebook friends. (Make sure the blocked friend is not
your friend too, or you'll have to send another friend request and
explain your pranks to a bewildered friend).

2. Tell your friend to share one of the friend's posts and photos
from his account.

3. Check whether you can see the shared post and photo from your account.

4. Unblock the person.

RESULTS: You won't see any of the blocked person's posts or photos ,
even if you check your friend's timeline from your account. But your
friend will see the "A shared B's post" on his timeline from his

CONCLUSION: He/she can't see your posts as well. Blocking someone
also blocks you from seeing his/her timeline, though you can unblock
at will.