Sunday, January 06, 2019

"Beyond Pardon" by Bertha M. Clay

This novel is about Lionel Ryder, Eleanor Ryder and Countess Vivian of Lynn.

Lionel is Eleanor's husband. After their wedding, he goes on a journey
and falls in love with Vivian, Countess of Lynn. Vivian has been
forced to marry an old count who has been unable to impregnate her for
years. Vivian continues the affair until she learns Lionel has a wife
and kids. Shocked, she leaves him, joins a convent and becomes Sister

Lionel is yet to return home and his son is very ill. Eleanor asks the
nearby convent for help and the convent sends "Sister Marie". Eleanor
tells Sister Marie about her husband's desertion of her for "one
Countess Vivian of Lynn". Eleanor says Vivian's sin is "beyond
pardon", even if she repents. Lionel then comes back. Sister Marie
feels guilty, leaves their home and goes to China. There she is shot
dead while trying to save baby girls thrown into rivers.

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