Nobody likes to be badmouthed behind his/her back,especially when the rumour is false. When this happens,what should you do? (a) confront the person (b) keep quiet and do nothing (c) badmouth the person in return (d) none of the above.
Eva, Ruth and Mary (not real names) were friends in school. Eva was a chronic gossip who loved speaking ill of people, especially Ruth, her squatter. "If Ruth is that bad, why is Eva still living with her?", Mary had always wondered.
It was therefore no surprise to Mary when she overheard Eva accusing her of having used her body to get better grades than Eva's. If you were in Mary's shoes,what would you do?
Confronting her (even in a peaceful way) could be futile since she would deny it and make Mary look stupid. Badmouthing her back would also reduce Mary to Eva's level. She kept quiet for a month before deciding on the way out.
Luckily for Mary, Eva and most of her listeners were Mary's Facebook friends. She therefore wrote a note about the folly of gossiping without having concrete evidence to back it up,especially in this age of mobile technology when you can easily take pictures and/or video clips with your phone unnoticed. The post appeared on the walls of all her friends, including Eva and her listeners. The result ? People started asking Eva to verify her claims and she could not. Therefore, the rumour died down and Eva's true nature was exposed.