People are understandably reluctant to accept friend requests from
people they don't know well in real life. But what if a classmate,or
someone else you are close to in real life,
decides to ignore your friend request? There is a way out.
After your personal "period of grace" has expired,simply go to the
bottom of the
person's profile page and click CANCEL FRIEND REQUEST. He/she will
have one less friend request on his/her home page.You have
effectively removed your name from his/her dustbin of "unwanted
friend requests" .
If (s)he has a rethink later,(s)he will be the one to send you a
friend request.
That is how to turn the tables on such people and preserve your dignity.
people they don't know well in real life. But what if a classmate,or
someone else you are close to in real life,
decides to ignore your friend request? There is a way out.
After your personal "period of grace" has expired,simply go to the
bottom of the
person's profile page and click CANCEL FRIEND REQUEST. He/she will
have one less friend request on his/her home page.You have
effectively removed your name from his/her dustbin of "unwanted
friend requests" .
If (s)he has a rethink later,(s)he will be the one to send you a
friend request.
That is how to turn the tables on such people and preserve your dignity.