Sunday, August 12, 2012


1. Don't reveal too much information about yourself. Your address
along with a brief post such as "We leave for vacation tomorrow!" is
enough to tell a thief where and when to strike. Other details ,such
as your email address,your full date of birth or your phone
number,could leave you open to harassment, bullying or identity theft.

2. What you post can be made more public than you intend. Also,large
websites back up their databases. Deleted posts never truly go away;
there is a copy somewhere.

3. Mind what you post -- and what others post on your page. Both
reflect on YOU because it is YOUR page. Regularly review such posts.
Many people lose their jobs or get turned down for new jobs because of
the posts on their pages.

4. Befriend only those you know well outside the online world. Don't
add as friend (or accept friend requests from ) strangers, even if
they are friends of friends.

5. If a friend starts posting objectionable pictures or status
updates,don't feel bad about deleting him/her.

6. Be thoroughly familiar with your social network's privacy settings
-- and use them. Regulate who can post on your page (friends only,
friends of friends, or everyone). Don't allow perfect strangers to
post on your page.

7. Sign out! If you leave your account signed in when you are not
present,others may post material on your page. This is especially true
if you are using a shared computer, such as in a cyber cafe.

World's longest wedding veil

Elena De Angelis' wedding dress has entered the record books for having the world's longest veil. A whopping 3 km long, it took dozens of seamstresses several months to create. Some 600 people were required to carry the white silk garment as it stretched down the road behind the bride,who was driven to church in a cream open-top classic car (see the picture above).


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Twins with different fathers

A mother's fling has resulted in her bearing twins --- by different fathers. 11-month-old Justin and Jordan Washington may have arrived in the world within just seven minutes of each other but, in an amazing twist of fate, they are half-brothers. Each has a different dad because their mum Mia Washington had an affair and conceived the fraternal twins by different men at the same time. One of the boys belongs to her partner James Harrison while the other is fathered by another man , whose identity is yet to be released.

The truth came out when Mia took the twins for a paternity test after noticing they have different facial features.

According to doctors,if a woman has more than one sexual partner during her fertile period,there is a minuscule chance that two sperm cells from different men can fertilize two separate eggs.

See ; ; .

Woman pregnant in two uteruses

An American woman, Angie Cromar, got pregnant with two babies in separate wombs who were conceived almost a week apart. The 34-year-old maternity nurse has a rare condition known as uterus didelphys, which means she has two uteruses. The babies were not twins and were due at different dates.

Medical experts say the chance of conceiving in both uteruses is about one in five million. Less than one hundred people in the world are known to have had "double pregnancies".

Mrs Cromar, who already had 3 children, said she knew she had the rare uterine condition but it had not affected her previous pregnancies. She admitted she was nervous but very excited at the prospect of the double birth.


Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Make the most of your mobile phone (2)

The best way to safeguard your vital documents is to upload photographs of the documents into your email box. In the event of a fire incident or any other unforeseen disaster, you can walk into any cyber cafe and print out new copies. How does your phone come in?

After taking photographs of the documents with your phone, go to your email box via the phone. Compose an email and insert the photographs as attachments. Save the message as draft (if you have only one email address) or send the message to your other email address(es) if otherwise. For easy reference, create a MY DOCUMENTS folder (or label) in each of the email boxes and store the message there.

To print out new copies, go to a cafe and access your email box on the computer. Download and save the needed picture into the computer's MY DOCUMENTS. Open a Microsoft Word page,insert the picture into it, stretch the picture to fill the whole page and save. Then go and print.

Saving your documents into your email box this way also enables you to upload the documents when applying for scholarships, etc without having to pay extra money for scanning. Just download as above and upload into the desired web page.

NOTE: Never upload the pictures of your documents into Facebook or other sites that are accessible to the public. Otherwise, crooks can download the pictures and use the details to steal your identity.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Make the most of your mobile phone(1)

 I keep discovering new things about my phone everyday.

1.Do you know that you can take pictures of lecture notes you missed and copy them by hand later without having to spend a kobo on photocopying?You can capture a page [ or half a page] at once,depending on the font size of the text. To copy the notes, ZOOM each image to enlarge the words and use the navigation keys to scroll up,down,left or right. You can always delete the images afterwards to free your phone memory.
        In addition to saving money, copying notes by hand instead of photocopying "forces" you to read the notes and therefore enhances remembering.You can also use this method to copy materials from borrowed textbooks,libraries,bookshops,etc. You can photograph greeting cards and send them to your friends by email,multimedia messages,etc.
       You can also take your lecture notes with you on your phone and 'browse' through them while waiting for your turn at a salon,waiting for a program to begin,etc without looking odd.After all,most people browse the Net with their phones in these situations.

WARNING : Do not use this method to copy notes into the exam hall.You are on your own if you do so and get caught.

2. To ensure that you wake up at the right time and never miss lectures,etc, program your schedule into your phone's reminder along with the notes and repeat days.

3. If you find it hard to write fast enough during lectures, use your phone's voice recorder during the lecture. This will enable you fill in the gaps afterwards.